Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Working out the kindness muscles

--by TC, posted Dec 23, 2015
Yesterday while attending a fitness class I met a new participant who was nervous and shy about taking the class for the first time. I did my best to calm her fears and make her feel welcome. I co-lead the class and kept an eye on her and helped her when she seemed loss.

 After class there was a Christmas luncheon for the participants and I invited her along and she accepted. I introduced her to those who were sitting around and they also made her feel welcome. We all encouraged to her to come back to class on Thursday. She seemed pleased to be so readily made part of the group. It felt good to take the opportunity to help someone who was so visibly uncomfortable.
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Readers Comments

splain wrote: You made her feel so welcome. She became a part of the group and accepted. Thanks for doing this very kind act
Marleen wrote: oh.. I so used to be that girl.. Thank you for making her feel wlcome and appreciated!
pyronik wrote: that's great - thank you. Wish someone had been so thoughtful at the fitness classes I've tried :-)
lt33 wrote: That's great its hard when u start something new & u feel so uncomfortable walking into a class where everyone knows each other to make her feel like she was already part of the group eased her mind good job
Mish wrote: You were her angel. Bless, TC.
savraj wrote: You are really thoughtful.
mindyjourney wrote: thank you for your welcome :))
leoladyc728 wrote: great of you to make the new woman feel so welcome.

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