Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Conscience of December, 1979

--by JuneBug, posted Dec 25, 2008

It is funny how at the end of the day, just before we fall asleep, a torrent of thoughts that had not been addressed by my mind during the day come rushing my way. I was looking forward to relaxing in slumber on my soft pillows but my mind seemed to win over my exhaustion as my thoughts scattered and triggered memories of the past. I was lying there with my eyes wide open staring blankly at the darkness that engulfed me and an episode from the past came to mind that I thought I would share. It wasn't anything profound, but at that time, it had meant a lot to me.

This incident took place in December of 1979. I had started a new job down at the City Market Deli in New York City. I didn't really care for the job, which included wearing white gloves, slicing bread, cold cuts, and shelfing cartons of juice, milk, and soda. Moreover, I  was miserable about the direction my marriage was headed, which of course seemed to be every way but up. My husband and I had two sons. We lived a life of poverty, primarily due to my husband's addictions. He was left a prisoner to substances that controlled his life. We were very poor, as we could barely manage to pay the bills necessary to survive in our studio apartment.  As a family, we lived from paycheck to paycheck and our ends never seemed to meet. Food was something we had for the first couple of days each month after I cashed in my monthly paychecks, and soon after the money ran out, so did the food.

If it weren't for the generosity and sympathy of our babysitter, I don't know how I would have fed my boys. Our babysitter would voluntarily gift her time or offer to bring over grocieries once in a while, especially during the holidays, when our boys would just glee with joy when an extra chocolate covered santa claus or easter bunny arrived with her.

As I struggled through each day, there was one day when one of the ladies I worked with at the deli, went to get something out of her purse. Doing so, she dropped a ten dollar bill. I picked it up instantly and thought that this new found money would buy dinner for me, my husband, and the boys, for a few more days. Yet, as soon as that thought crossed my mind, and I looked at the ten dollar bill clutched between my hands, my conscience told me otherwise. Despite the level of destitution I was at, I just thought it would be wrong to keep it. It was not mine and it was not earned.

So reluctantly, I handed the money to the lady who had dropped it. She was surprised and grateful as she had not even realized that she had lost the money. She then came over to me a few minutes later and slid me a five dollar bill and told me she knew I didn't have to give the ten dollar bill back, but  because I did, she wanted to show her appreciation to me.

Not only did I go home with money to feed my babies that day, I left with a clear concience, and most importantly a smile. I felt good that day in '79!

With a relaxed mind and smile across my face, I could now happily doze off to sleep.

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Readers Comments

66sunlu wrote: You are so honest. We all love you.

God bless you.

praveendm wrote: God bless you!
makesomeonesmile wrote: Doing the right thing has many rewards. I hope you were able to drift off to sleep knowing what a difference you constantly make!
liztree wrote: I can think of times when I made the right choice, and other's when I didn't. I was definitely more enriched the times I did. Thank for reminding me of the value of goodness.
merv wrote: Hi Me too! And it was a ten. It hurt, but I did give it back. I didn't get a five back, I did get a roast.

Thanks for reminding me!

wayfarer wrote: If I didn't love you before, Junebug, I'd love you just for that!
Tigerlily wrote: Oh Junie... I know I say this all the time.. but, it would be impossible for me to love you anymore. You are precious. Thank you for sharing this.
lovebug wrote: Thanks for being so honest JuneBug, I do my best to let my conscience be my guide. But that is the best I can do. I am never very sure, there seems to be a little doubt.Happy Easter JuneBug
molly273 wrote: Good going! No better way to sleep than with a clear conscience.
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks for sharing this one June. Just goes to show...honesty goes a LONNG way--I mean that was a Lonng time ago-how bout it???

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