Readers Comments
makesomeonesmile wrote: What a great story! Gratitude can be so powerful!
AURELIA wrote: Jessi, what a beautiful note of thanks she wrote. Thank you for sharing it. I said a prayer for Adrienne. ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: Sowing seeds of kindness...They grow into love flowers and disperse more seeds! It just doesn't stop! Wonderful job on your part, the community and the one who truely appreciated everything that you all did for her....:}
merv wrote: Jessi Good Start! There's always more. You've got a great support group here, use it! Watch for people staying home sick from work. Chicken soup is always acceptable, and I make a really obnoxious 'snake oil'. Cures anything 'cause people don't even want to think of taking it. (stinks too)
You and your community did a wonderful job. I can tell from the thank you letter. Thanks for caring enough to do that.
You and your community did a wonderful job. I can tell from the thank you letter. Thanks for caring enough to do that.
sabrina wrote: Jessi, thats too good.Mayb u can take the initiative to make it better.Great going,Cheers
molly273 wrote: This is a great story. I firmly believe that charity starts at home. Some people get accolades for grand gestures, but the quiet things we do for family, friends and neighbors go a long way. That was nice of you to help a friend in need!! :)
wayfarer wrote: Sounds like you live in Heaven, Jessi, or someplace pretty near it1