Readers Comments
molly273 wrote: And I talk too much! ha ha
This is a nice reflection. It is very true, as well. Thanks for posting.
This is a nice reflection. It is very true, as well. Thanks for posting.
Tigerlily wrote: I think you might have some keen insight here. Silence speaks volumes sometimes. Thank you for sharing and reminding me. :) (You made me smile again.)
liztree wrote: MSS - It is not always easy for me to be in stillness. I'm one of those "solution" people :). Thanks for the reminder on the value of just being present.
lovebug wrote: Well said, silence does indeed speak volumes, it is also golden
cabbage wrote: Thank you for the reminder....I experienced the same during my "voice-less" few days of laryngitis and realized how important it is to be still at times.
JuneBug wrote: Yesterday I was in a mood to where I didn't want to talk to anyone. I let the phone ring and if they left a message, I would call them back. Nobody did and everybody survived without me Sometimes we just need ''time out' to go back in the ring a bit stronger. I have my boxing gloves on and ate my spinach...Watch out world!! :}
hotcocoa wrote: You are so right.
Silence cna be way moe touching than words and there isn't always need to talk.
Thanks for your words of wisdom and for sharing them :)
God bless, have a nice life.
Silence cna be way moe touching than words and there isn't always need to talk.
Thanks for your words of wisdom and for sharing them :)
God bless, have a nice life.
luckyman wrote: Be still and know that i am god ( holy bible) sometimes your silent presence is lot more helpful than well meaning comforting words to a person who is hurting or grieving. Do always what believe to be right!