Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Impulse to Help Succeeds

--by cabbage, posted Dec 23, 2008

   My son and I were on our way to his piano lesson (which is above a pizza shop) when we saw and heard the rantings of a homeless man across the street who was asking for money to get something to eat.  He then entered into a smoke shop and I walked my son up to his lesson.

   I ran back downstairs to see if the man was wandering around outside and saw that he was back on the street corner across the way, looking for change.  I quickly ran up to the counter of the pizza shop and asked for a slice of pizza to take out.  Meanwhile I kept looking around outside to see where the homeless man was in his wanderings.  I was a bit impatient waiting for the pizza to get ready because I didn't want to miss him.  I saw him start walking away down the street and fortunately a few minutes later, the pizza slice was ready

   I tucked the box under my arm and ran down the street trying to catch up with the man. He was obviously under the influence of something, the way he was talking and ranting and I heard him trying to tell a bunch of suited up men that he was on a waiting list for shelter housing for two years. His frustration with his situation was so painful. The people in suits walked on, oblivious. 

   I ran up to him and said, " Excuse me sir, but would you like a hot slice of pizza?"  He seemed in a fog, but took the box and wandered off. 
     I walked back to the piano lesson, feeling relieved that I hadn't missed this man.  For once, impulse and action came together in time.

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Readers Comments

norman wrote: Great, reminds me of somebody i know. Thanks for sharing and for the kind heart.
LOAS wrote: Your story brought tears to my ears. When i hear things like this it makes me imagine what the world would be like if everybody did this kind of thing. It makes me smile knowing that there are people like you that are getting us one step closer to that kind of world. :)
wayfarer wrote: Now THAT'S what it's all about!!!!! Yayyy, you!
wayfarer wrote: Cabbage, I just had to post again, 'cos your kindness and your example won't leave my mind. Just need to say, Wow!!!
AURELIA wrote: You are Fanstasitc!! I wish I could have seen you chasing after him!..but I have a wonderful picture in my mind of it. Thanks for the smile to start off my day. ~Aurelia
PayingForward wrote: What a beautiful thing to do. My heart aches for people who are homeless and hungry. It is easy to feel helpless sometimes because we wonder what can our little bit do to make a difference? Well, what you did was to put a hot piece of pizza in the belly of a hungry, homeless man ... and a bit of hope in his heart. Thank you for being a blessing ... to him and us. God bless you today and always! :)
jaydeebug wrote: Ah, Cabbage...that made me cry and it brought to mind a time I did something similar which I am just about to write a story, thanks to you! That was so kind of you to feed him....
Tigerlily wrote: That is so wonderful. You are awesome!
JuneBug wrote: I have always said NOBODY should have to go hungry in this world..Thank you for contributing to that, cabbage!!! :}
makesomeonesmile wrote: How kind of you. Thanks for following your heart and doing this. Bless you and your son. What a great example you are!

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