Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Single Smiling Mother

--by kharyzma, posted Dec 22, 2008

Maybe it is because it is the season of joy, where one year closes and another one opens up to new possibilities. Maybe it is just that I am finally heading toward a direction in my life that points to a positive place out of the negative one in which I was rooted.  This past year I have struggled with my own sense of low self-worth, with post partum depression due to the arrival of my newborn, and the challenges of being a single parent. I do not have anything deeply profound to impart. I just wanted to send a small note to share with all of you that things seem to be moving well for me now, and just maybe during this time of giving I can give strength to any other struggling single mothers out there who are doing what they can for the babies in their world.  

Here is a glimpse of what one mom went through:

I am a procrastinator and very indecisive. I would make a decision, change it 20 times, give up on the idea, or try it for a week and then stop. I came to see one day, that if I kept on living life so indecisively, that it is not only I who would be lost, but this small child resting in my arms looking so helpless and wide-eyed would also be lost in life along with me. I then saw that I needed to have the courage to make my own decisions and take ownership of them even if they later turned out to be mistakes.  I know that occasionally making errors in judgment as a new mother is a part of motherhood and I could take comfort in the fact that I the decisions I made were ones I felt were the best for myself and my baby at the time.

I am now making decisions that will get my life on track.  I am motivated to start school and work towards a career  that will provide for the both of us and allow me to save money for my child's education and my retirement.  Moreover, I am now taking measures to address not just my mental but also my physical health. I walk every day looking for hills to climb, longer routes on hiking trails to cover, and I stride instead of stroll to my various destinations.

I just wanted to share with you the good that is happening for me in my life right now because if there is good that can happen to me, I know there is a lot of good out there just waiting to happen for you! Go get it!

Happy Holidays!

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Readers Comments

lovebug wrote: What a charming story, I think I could pray with a honest heart that you reach your destination.
Tigerlily wrote: Oh, I'm so glad life is getting on track for you. I wish you and the children the very best. God Bless you.
jaydeebug wrote: Hang in there! Good for you. Hugs
cabbage wrote: Hurray for you! I am so glad that you are feeling "back on track" and I wish you all the best as you pursue school and career change. I'm sure it's not easy being a single parent so I wish you all the best with that too! I am so glad to hear your upbeat words, and I hope you know that all of us here are cheering you on during your journey.
With lots of love and hugs to you and your kids. I am so glad that you are "striding" up every hill etc.--that is so good for you! Keep it up!! :-)
Take good care of yourself.
makesomeonesmile wrote: That is good to hear and I wish you all the best. Keep moving forward!
mitu915 wrote: good job! your positive thoughts also encourage me when i too, feel like i'm struggling during those tough emotional moments! thanks for sharing your small successes! it helps! :)
wayfarer wrote: Kharyzma, I have a friend whose life has been as off the rails as you could possibly imagine. She has been abused, abandoned, a stripper, an escort, and a single mum of three with all the problems that brings.
Recently, she went back to education, overcoming huge emotional barriers in the process. Now, she is only a few weeks away from completing a psychiatry degree. As she says, "The crazy woman will soon be treating the crazy people!"
It's NEVER too late to turn a life around.
AURELIA wrote: I am so proud of you for pushing yourself and taking the steps in the right direction! It does feel good doesn't it!!!! Good for YOU! ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: Your road will have some brick walls along the way. I know, because I have been in your shoes. Just remember when you come up against that wall, don't stress out as to how you can climb over it....Go around it! THERE IS ALWAYS AN ANSWER TO EVERYTHING. Just some advice from an old woman....:}

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