Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Motto: Keep Smiling

--by chips, posted Dec 19, 2008

I was hurt as a child, mentally and physically and I suffer from it today.  When I was in the UK  I was a the chairman (after 2 years of volunteering) of a charity that helps people cope.  My life motto is "keep smilin."  I have my down days, more so than up days.  But I keep smilin and I get by.  Never, never, never give up!  I always let the paper boys keep the change when I buy a paper from them when they sit outside all day.  I was a paper boy once.  And I appreciated all the change I could get. I always buy the big issue, then hand it back to them to resell.  I can't save the world. I don't want to either. But I can raise a smile. I love to smile. I only wish I could from the inside.

thanks for the cards ;)

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Readers Comments

LOAS wrote: I wish i could take your pain away. Just know that there are people out there (here) that care for you. :)
tenderheart wrote: thanks for sharing. Keep moving forward. Never give up. now you have real friends that care for you. :)
EePee wrote: THANK you for sharing.
Many of us have had/have trauma. Learning how to deal with it & move on has made/makes us stronger, more contented & fulfilled. I am so happy that you have found how to deal with your issues.
I wish everyone a day of turning all negatives into positives. I have foun that this enriches & brings inner peace.
JuneBug wrote: Charlie, my advice to you is to practice, practice, practice! Before you know it, those smiles will come from within...I have faith in you! :}
chips wrote: keep the faith.

thanks junebug :)

jaydeebug wrote: Charlie, Your story made me cry. I had a total of 54 foster kids over an 8 year time span and almost all of them came to me abused. One of the first things I would tell them...this can be your crutch for the rest of your life and the reason other bad things come about or it can be your stepping stone. Step away from it, don't repeat it and make the world a better place for your children. And for those old enough to read and understand it, I gave them the book called, "The Child Called It." A true account of a little boy who was so abused it was amazing he was alive. I met the author and he is making the world a better place by sharing his story. His name is David Peltzer. Everyone of the kids read it more than once and compared their life to his. They said "I didn't have it that bad, if he can overcome that, I can overcome what happened to me."
I am proud of your attitude, you will give courage and hope to others. Keep on Smiling, it will eventually reach inside....jaydeebug
wotserface wrote: Charlie your story hit home with me in many ways, and "keep smiling" too is my motto. As a child I learnt to wear a mask for every occasion to hide the pain I experienced, so that as I grew into an adult it is now habit to hide my fears and feelings.

The one thing that I have learned about myself over the years, is that I have the ability to bring comfort, and smiles to people around me. Which is why I think I worked for the NHS for over 15 years, till I had to early retire.

You may not feel you're smiling from the inside, but it could be you are afraid to, as for so long it has been out of your reach, but I think now is your time to bring out your inward smile, because your story made me not only shed a tear, but smile for the wonderful person you obviously are XX
lovebug wrote: Do you know why I so appreciate your story Chips? Although your story did indeed peak my interest, I personaly think you have made it to the inside smiling place.But personal opinions do not count in this human life.For me it was the comments by other readers.You did your job well, for now I have information I did not have before. PEACE AND GOD BLESS
chips wrote: thanks for all your replies. i really didn't expect this at all when i registered.
there's more to my situation but as and when for that.
lovebug, thanks for the bleesing.
wotserface, thanks for the xx's
jaydeebug, sorry you had to spill a tear.there's always someone worst off then you. but its ironic that knowing that, should make you feel any better. i'll source the book and have a read. a book i read was toxic parents. by susan foreward. my folks where toxic. and the book helped a lot. with dealing with confrontation.
& junebug- keep that faith.

can i ask why so many bugs? on all the names.. should i be chipbug?
merv wrote: I don't know about bugs, I'm just a merv :-) Hey...Keep smiling.

Tell yourself that how you react to the things that happen to you is your choice. That's not to blame you for what's happened to you, it's so that you can take control of it.

And hang around here, there's always a smile somewhere!


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