Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Singing In Traffic

--by liztree, posted Jan 5, 2009

I have been studying the teachings of Rhonda Byrne (The Secret) and Wayne Dyer (Power of Intention) among others.  A theme that carries through both teachings is  "blessing others."

I've started a new habit of singing on the way to and from work because I felt that there are lot of people who need blessings, especially while they are stuck in traffic!  I sing rather awfully, but the good intentions are there!  I sing to all the drivers around me, to all the employees working in the companies beside me, and to all the passengers in the planes flying above me.  I sing to everyone and even though I am not a songwriter, this is what I came up with:

Calm is inside you
Love is all around you
It is already such a beautiful morning!

Peace is inside you
Smiles all around you
It is about to be such a beautiful afternoon!

Joyful surprises
Laughter and Kindness
It is going to be a beautiful day!                                                       

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Readers Comments

hotcocoa wrote: Very nice song :)
Makes you smile
It's great to know that you sing it to everyone :d
Thanks for sharing and god bless everything you do.
hi wrote: Ur funny
AURELIA wrote: Calm, Peace, laughter, love, smiles , Joy and BEAUTY !!!! Can't get much better than That :0) thank you for singing such a lovely song... ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: Thank you for singing to me! I needed that!!! :}
jaydeebug wrote: That was a great visual and I can almost hear it! I'm smiling.....jaydeebug
butterfly wrote: thank you for being an amazing person who wants to have more light and love in their world. you are an angel. xx
lovebug wrote: I really liked your poem and I use many of the words as I talk to myself. But so far my self talk only carries me for about 10 hours. The other 14 hours, op! let me back up I spend 8 hours sleeping so I only have 6 hours to remind myself, how happy I am for the first 10 hours. But there is hope, maybe tommorow I will beable to make 11 hours. Only time will tell. God Bless you honey you are a light to me
merv wrote: Great song. I hope you've not copyrighted it :-)

The Navajo Beauty Way

"Beauty above me
Beauty below me
Beauty around me
I walk in beauty"

Visualize each of these as you say them.

Walk in beauty

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