Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Tis' the Season of Smiling

--by tressyanne, posted Dec 25, 2008

In the spirit of embracing the season of giving, I was going through all of the books my children had and was getting ready to donate them to our local library. Since I use the facilities and books at the library all the time, I thought that the least I could do was keep the circle of giving going by donating more childrens' literature back to the public institution. As I rummaged through the piles of books and organized them into stacks, I could not help but peek through some of my most cherished childrens' poetry books, and share a short and sweet poem with all of you, before I gave it away:

"Smiling is infectious,
You can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too."
-Author Unknown

It's the Season to Smile!


1980 Reads

Readers Comments

Tigerlily wrote: Thank You for spreading smiles!
wayfarer wrote: Thanks on behalf of all us book lovers!
JuneBug wrote: All books need homes...Good for you! :}
lovebug wrote: Good Morning Tressy, it is a little early the day to know if I am going to have a good day, might have some bumps to go over, but at the end of the days, I will take time to look at those bumps and try to understand how to avoid them the next day.
I see you understand how important our libraries are, something close to my own heart. If you can read, you can educate yourself, the best thing about it is, it is all free. Keep that smile, it indeed infectious.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: I love it, thanks for sharing the smiles!
AURELIA wrote: Great Idea!!!! Thank You :) ~Aurelia

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