Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A simple act of kindness during the holidays

--by lewski711, posted Jan 21, 2016
Was the recipient of a surprise act of kindness this holiday season. A friend of mine had seen me in the grocery store a month ago. The store is doing a promotion where you get stickers for every $10 you spend which can be used to "buy" kitchen items. She was ahead of me in line and the cashier asked if she was collecting the stickers. She looked back at me and asked if I was. I told her I was, so she collected them and gave them to me.
A few weeks later we got a Christmas card from their family and attached to it was a bunch of the stickers. Apparently, she continued to collect them for me and sent them for the holidays.

Not really random, but definitely a surprise that I appreciated. 
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Readers Comments

lewski711 wrote: @info66: actually got cutting boards for a family member, then got some for ourselves. I used to cook more, but my wife has taken over more or less in that department. :)
info66 wrote: Ah, you got all the utensils you wanted now? My bro got the (professional) kitchen knives in the beginning of december. He was so happy! He loves cooking (&eating). Do you like cooking?
burns wrote: Such wonderful caring and I know it's happening inspired you. It did me too.
AnnC wrote: Very thoughtful
kjoyw wrote: Wonderful act of kindness! Doesn't have to be random to be true kindness.
mish wrote: Sweet kindness :)
Bananatheworl wrote: How sweet!!!
Rippleffect wrote: It's karma...your generosity is bouncing back! XO
mindyjourney wrote: So many kidness connects! Stamped with thoughtfulness :))
leoladyc728 wrote: sweet

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