Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Anything helps!

--by lewski711, posted Jan 23, 2016
I was just stopping by the grocery store yesterday when I saw a guy outside with a sign that said, "Anything helps". As I turned my car around and he was just about to pack up and leave. I asked what he needed in the store. He asked for a can of ravioli. I picked him up ravioli, spaghetti, and beef stroganoff in the car. He seemed to be appreciative when I gave them to him. 

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Readers Comments

brad2 wrote: I'm glad you did something for this man in his time of need, far too many times, some are too busy or unwilling to help out and simply cross the street, bless you for being there. Peace.
Ray Vaughn wrote: This is an example of being a follower of christ, not just a fan.
love2day wrote: thanks for being kind to a person in need
mish wrote: Bless x
kjoyw wrote: Thank you so much for helping this man. Bless you.
Bananatheworl wrote: AWESOME! Great job!!!
Bananatheworl wrote: AWESOME! Great job!!!
Rippleffect wrote: So wonderful!! Thanks! XO
kindmyst wrote: ❤️
noriko1 wrote: Are they his dog tags on upper R? Thank you so much for being kind to someone who served. It breaks my heart to see homeless/mental health issue among war veterans. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity.

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