Readers Comments
splain wrote: Love notes, perfect idea. I had a lot of little cards that I would write similar, love your garden, love your cat, your house is gorgeous, Great truck, beautiful street , endless list. Like you I just got such a buzz dropping these off. You are really enjoying this and it is a lot of fun
melnotes wrote: how awesome!
Rippleffect wrote: Oh I love this colourful..I will fill them with those candy kisses. I got good advice to carry them in a plastic bag in my purse so they stay lint free. How do you know me so well ;)
Mish wrote: Wonderful idea for the new year ðŸ‘
horsegirl21 wrote: love this idea
patchessls wrote: Love this.. Lovehas no beginning No End.. It is all encompassing.
lt33 wrote: These are going to be just like mindy's doves were gonna see these amazing love notes everywhere such a cool idea spread the love 💓💓💓💓
mindyjourney wrote: Lovely love notes!! Great idea, my friend :))). Enjoy the giving.
kjoyw wrote: Lovely idea!
DANCE wrote: Lovely love