Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Open to Receiving Love

--by brindlegirl, posted Feb 16, 2016
Today I received an incredible kindness. My mother and sister-in-law took my boys to the movies, park and lunch!

At first, this was hard to receive. I noticed myself instantly start to evaluate if I had 'earned' it and searching for ways to repay them with kindnesses.

This has been a huge awakening for me. Noticing this aspect of myself. It sounds so simple to graciously accept yet the whole time I had thoughts of "I'm not worthy. What have I done to earn this?".

I am grateful for this realization about myself because I hadn't noticed it fully until now.

Today with my kid-free time I was able to go to lunch and catch up with a friend. I also later purchased a gift card to gift as an act of kindness. And I know this was my 'paying for and earning my kindness'. I wanted to give back to someone else as I was given. It really has a grip on me. Yet I will work on it. I am open to receiving ♡

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Readers Comments

terre wrote: You did a kindness to your mother and sister-in-law by allowing them to take your boys away on an outing. Think of it that way. And you are definitely worthy of receiving the kindness they gave you! I'm happy you were able to take that child-free time and spend it on something you wanted to do. Please remember this: there is no record book that keeps track of how many and what kind of kindnesses we give or receive. That doesn't matter at all. What matters is that there is giving and receiving of kindness happening in the world. Period. It's all good!
leoladyc728 wrote: You are worth all the good that comes your way. Glad you had a free day to enjoy yourself. I am sure your mom and sister-in-law enjoyed being with the boys.
Marleen wrote: Good for you!! Caught on quicker than i did.. So used to doing things by myself, receiving is sometimes hard.. Weird because i know how nice it is to help! Learning..
melnotes wrote: You deserve all this and more, blessings of being more open to receive in all your daily activities brindlegirl xx
splain wrote: It is hard sometimes to accept kindness. But we are all so good at giving. When we give it makes our day. So people offering to help us also love to help.
pluto178 wrote: Fabulous don't gift Mum or Sis though pay it forward to a stranger.................just say thanks I so appreciate they clearly appreciate you x
Rippleffect wrote: You made me do some self evaluating as well. I am much the same when it comes to receiving kindness. Terre's comment about there being no tally marks about acts of kindness is helpful. Just go with the flow of the universe. Love the picture and quote! Thanks for your insight. XO
mindyjourney wrote: We are a work in progress, my friend. Agree with terre about it being a kindness for them to take children out for a treat :)). No payback is necessary...just enjoy and be who you are! :))
vitalreiki wrote: Yes, I find it interesting that givers can find it difficult to receive. Soak it all up, Kindness sister. Be that glorious Divine Sponge. X

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