Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Got my daily smile on

--by kperrine, posted Feb 6, 2016

I have been having a hectic day at work...feeling overwhelmed and overtired UNTIL just now! A young man came in to my office and asked me if I would "loan" him 50 cents since he was short on bus fare. I did not know this young man and never saw him before.

I dig out my famous change jar (the metal kitty cat tin) and gave him a ton of quarters to use for bus fare today and for the next time he's short on bus fare. 

He gave me the smile and motivation I needed to get thru the rest of my day.

So, to the young man who just made my day....May you always have change jingling in your pockets!

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Giving so recharges our batteries! Tx for your jingling change to share, my friend :))
mish wrote: The word is out that you are a kindness angel!
pyronik wrote: glad the universe provided what you needed :-) (((kperrine)))
vitalreiki wrote: Long time no see!! Beautiful kindness x
kjoyw wrote: Thanks so much for helping this young man. Nice to have some spare change hanging around just for times like this!
splain wrote: That giving says it all.
Rippleffect wrote: Glad your tin was full! So glad your kindness brought a smile to your face! It brought one to mine :)
leoladyc728 wrote: I am sure you made his day too. Thank you for helping him.
melnotes wrote: You are awesome!
FairyBubbles wrote: That is a lovely story. I really enjoyed reading it. Thank you.

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