Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My heart met the challenge

--by foodbankcarlisa, posted Feb 11, 2016
While delivering meals one day I was really put to the test. The first house I delivered to was owned by a sweet elderly woman named Ms A. It was about 10:30 in the morning when I knocked on her door. 

When she asked me to come in I could tell by her voice something was wrong. When I opened her door she was sitting on the sofa crying. She didn't have to tell me I could see she had soiled herself. I have to tell you it was not something I wanted to deal with but I had to make a decision not only for me but for Ms. A.  

I didn't want her to feel any more ashamed than she did so I knew that I would have to clean her up. I kept assuring her it was ok but she was so ashamed...I did all I could to assure her it was ok. When I finished cleaning her up we both agreed she needed a bath so I went to her friends house and asked if she would give her a bath.

She was happy to do it. We never know how we will be tested...but all that matters is how we respond. My main objective that day was to not make this fragile lady feel any worse than she did.
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Readers Comments

starryskies wrote: Thank you for your kind heart! ♡
splain wrote: you were so lovely. This made me cry.
lindariebel wrote: Now this was true kindness!
kjoyw wrote: Your help was just amazing. Bless you for helping here.
Marleen wrote: We all get old and need that love and attention too.. Hope she gets regular help to make sure she's doing ok and has whatever she needs to prevent repetition.. Bladder control or worse should not control our day.
Brindlegirl wrote: You responded in and with love. You should be proud of yourself ♡
melnotes wrote: Thank you for your kind heart xx
lya348 wrote: After having experience with some older folks, what you did was an incredible gift. It is so hard living in those circumstances and you were there for her when she needed someone most. What an amazing kindness!
savraj wrote: You are so amazing. I was in tears reading your story. Thankyou for being so kind and preserving this woman's dignity.
annette13 wrote: You are a good and kind soul.

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