Stories of Kindness from Around the World

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--by lightbulb, posted
Met with our "Christmas elf" today, the person who finds us the family we help at Christmas. Surprised her with a batch of cookies that I found out she likes. She was giddy! Found out the family we helped was speechless with what we had done. We don't view it as special, but were delighted to know that we made a difference, if just for a day. Anyway, planning dinner with elf and hubby soon. Love making contacts and turning them into friends.

Readers Comments

lt33 wrote: That day made a difference to them so nice of you
Mish wrote: Full of wonderful ❤️
mindyjourney wrote: enjoying the kindness connect :)))
Rippleffect wrote: Sounds like you have a magic friendship wand!! Thanks for making sure that the family had a special Christmas and that the elf got yummy cookies! XO
kjoyw wrote: Lots of good things happening in this story!
melnotes wrote: Thankyou for all you did!
pluto178 wrote: So lovely...........I can hear your enthusiasm toox
sandyremillar wrote: wonderful share!!!! thank you for it all....
lya348 wrote: Would love to find a Christmas elf to help us with our family this year. It feels so good giving back at the holidays!

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