Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Bookmarking kindness

--by KiwiCat, posted Feb 3, 2016
I bought premade bookmarks online. On one side I glued a list of kindness ideas, on the other side I stuck inspirational stickers. I got both the bookmarks and stickers at 50% off. I'm going to laminate them, and tie some embroidery thread through the hole to finish them off. I'll leave some at the library and some in books at the Little Free Library.

Its a hot day here, so I did my afternoon crafting outside on the verandah, at the same time I said hello to people walking past down the footpath!

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Readers Comments

splain wrote: I have a picture of you sitting on that verandah and people walking past and chatting. What a delight day.
lt33 wrote: That's so nice I'm sure you will cheer people up I know if I got one of those it would make my day they had homemade book marks at our library colored by kids they laminated them & so pretty designs
leoladyc728 wrote: that's a really good idea. I have some bookmarks here.
Marleen wrote: .Fantastic inspiring keepsakes! Lovely ^_^ Enjoy your day, dear!
AndiCas wrote: Loving the idea of sitting on the veranda greeting passers by whilst you work. And what lovely work!
bountiful wrote: fantastic work and gifting kiwicat xx
melnotes wrote: Enjoy the warm weather and what a great kindness idea, very creative Kiwicat :)
mindyjourney wrote: Such a kindness kiwi you are :))). Well done, my friend!
savraj wrote: Such a great idea for the free library!!!
chrisadonner wrote: That is a wonderful idea. How inventive! I might have to copy that.

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