Readers Comments
splain wrote: I have a picture of you sitting on that verandah and people walking past and chatting. What a delight day.
lt33 wrote: That's so nice I'm sure you will cheer people up I know if I got one of those it would make my day they had homemade book marks at our library colored by kids they laminated them & so pretty designs
leoladyc728 wrote: that's a really good idea. I have some bookmarks here.
Marleen wrote: .Fantastic inspiring keepsakes! Lovely ^_^ Enjoy your day, dear!
AndiCas wrote: Loving the idea of sitting on the veranda greeting passers by whilst you work. And what lovely work!
bountiful wrote: fantastic work and gifting kiwicat xx
melnotes wrote: Enjoy the warm weather and what a great kindness idea, very creative Kiwicat :)
mindyjourney wrote: Such a kindness kiwi you are :))). Well done, my friend!
savraj wrote: Such a great idea for the free library!!!
chrisadonner wrote: That is a wonderful idea. How inventive! I might have to copy that.