Readers Comments
Marleen wrote: So nice huh, no tv! If there truly is something worthwhile, i'll find it on the internet!
kjoyw wrote: Do think that shift may be starting. We have sections like this in our local newspaper and one of our local TV news shows has a weekly "Pay It Forward" segment. This is a great time to reach out to all who do this and thank them for there efforts and tell them about us! These kindness pages are just perfect for your doves!
Gyrocloudy wrote: Then those doves are loaded with double or triple power. Kindness from the dove figurine, kindness from you and kindness from the magazine. :)
savraj wrote: I feel the shift. It's like the ground is moving almost imperceptibly but nevertheless moving!
splain wrote: Actually the word and deeds of kindness are starting to appear everywhere. A very good happening.
leoladyc728 wrote: love the change in realities
sm2000 wrote: love the picture
patjos wrote: Peace to you all!