Stories of Kindness from Around the World

There's A Lovely Printout! ...

--by sandyremillar, posted
There's a lovely printout! I apologized for not having commented in the past days....I have had issues with internet and couldn't come into ks...missed you....all is well now!

I've been more in contact with my new friend Kathy and we are growing together into the LIght. My friend from Texas Elena (with whom I meditate weekly) has also participated in her healing.... Last week Kathy shared with my two Spanish friends a lovely Skype interchange and we are going to continue to do this weekly, God willing. She felt "back in business", my friends felt enriched with her input in many areas and I was elated, to say the least.
I have past the 50 mark on the number of hats to be donated in February to the Cancer Society or related! I have another project in mind once I meet this one! I will post the pictures once I have them all....more than 60? possible! of all sizes and not one like another!
My neighbor, single mom with two teenagers asked me to check on her girls while she was working....she's had her challenges with them I offered these delicious wraps I made with chili and varied veggies....they were delighted! she poured her heart out and all was better once I left...
And so life goes on, so identifying with the fact that I Am all love again and again, where there is no place for any other feeling....Once we start on this path, we grow stronger, we are then the beauty we are meant to be and the Universe smiles at us...My love to you all, dear ones....

Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Your love is palpable!! Welcome back ❤️
splain wrote: I love the kindness coupon. I will use mine
leoladyc728 wrote: thank you for the coupon. love it.
terre wrote: You are doing such lovely kind things, Sandy. Thank you so much.
Marleen wrote: Nice actions & interactions, love it!! ^_^
pluto178 wrote: Good to have you back I love the idea of a kindness coupon. x
melnotes wrote: Love this coupon! have it saved and ready to print :)
mindyjourney wrote: Grateful for your energy, dear sandy :))). Missed you!
Rippleffect wrote: Glad you are connected again kindness angel XO

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