Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Radioshow higlights kindness during winterstorm ⛄️

--by Mish, posted Feb 13, 2016
I was thrilled this morning when our favorite radio station asked listeners to message them RAKS (Random Acts of Kindness) they witnessed (or performed) during the mega snowstorm here in "The Big Apple".  

Kindness seems to be showing up more and more in the media, and this is truly heartening! The RAKS included many people shoveling snow for others, gratitude from Seniors for people who helped them during the storm, a policeman who stopped what he was doing to help someone with a walker get across the street, and more. I started my day off with a big smile! 😋

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Readers Comments

horsegirl21 wrote: wonderful snow kindness :))
mindyjourney wrote: Often adversity and challenge brings out our kindness muscles :)))). wonderful way to begin day :))!!
savraj wrote: Adversity often brings peolpe together. It's so beautiful to witness!
bananatheworl wrote: Cool kindness!
kmbhai wrote: wonderful ...
pluto178 wrote: Get fit and help others win win x
DANCE wrote: we need more of this info on the media everywhere!
kjoyw wrote: This is so great! I've also noticed it more and more, too, in the media. Many kindness efforts, like ours, ate beginning to work! We can't let up! Must keep spreading the message!
leoladyc728 wrote: I have heard some great stories too. It is heartwarming.
terre wrote: Yes! Great snow kindness! And it's not new. People were voluntarily digging out neighbours and senior residences here in Victoria after out big snowstorm in 1996. Definitely heart-warming!

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