Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Listening to the little voice within

--by brindlegirl, posted Feb 14, 2016
A friend's mother recently told me how she has been going through some hard times lately. She knows I practice a feminine yoga called "tigress" and often asks about it. I told her about an upcoming trial taster class. She told me that if finances permit, she would attend.

So tonight as I was thinking about her and about Tigress yoga, I heard a voice in my head say, "Pay for her Nicole." And so I did!  

I told her I would love to pay for her class and asked her if it were ok. To which she instantly replied, "Yes!" I love a woman who can so easily and graciously receive as I was nervous asking because I don't know her too well.  
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Readers Comments

Butterkind wrote: Wow! That’s cool and kind of both of you :)
MadAbbott wrote: Yes, that fear of people refusing a gift is real. It can be hard to get people to accept kindness. You succeeded!
monica321 wrote: Thank you for your kindnees
spurginhussey wrote: Brilliant story - that tigress yoga must be good stuff!
AK wrote: My heart became so warm reading this! Thank you for posting.
kjoyw wrote: Lovely kindness! Lovely image!
melnotes wrote: What a wonderful gift you gave her, Im sure she will very much enjoy it :)
terre wrote: How lovely that she will be going to the yoga taster class, with you I'm thinking... Great graphic here; I think it is of you, my dear.
splain wrote: Beautiful giving and can you tell me where in North Canberra you can do this form feminine yoga called tigress
mindyjourney wrote: tigress of kindnees, dear brindle :))), that's you! Many thanks for your kind and giving heart...ROAR!!!

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