Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness To A Homeless Man

--by paolagast, posted
I saw the same man I saw during the holidays outside of our local grocery store yesterday, it was cold and raining and he looked so hungry; my husband and I went in to but some lunch so I grabbed one extra and handed it to him, he was so grateful and happy, probable his only meal in a while. I went back to the grocery store in the evening and I wanted to buy him dinner too but unfortunately he wasn't there anymore:( whenever I see his friendly face I buy a meal for him, I wish I could do more, but it makes me happy to know at least he gets some food, and I really hope others show kindness to him too.

Readers Comments

rickhiker wrote: Great idea, thanks for sharing! I shall strive to give food more and money less.
mish wrote: Thank you for caring & acting x
splain wrote: You were just what he needed. Very kind and caring of you
mindyjourney wrote: thank you so much, my friend :)). to enjoy your kind smile and generous gifts of food are such a HUGE positive impact on this man. blessings.
brindlegirl wrote: Your noticing him and acknowledging him and his need, is soon much!!! You remind him that he is human and cared about. We all seek and crave love xox
kjoyw wrote: Thank you for caring and your kindness in helping this person.
terre wrote: Thank you so much for this food kindness, and for seeking him out to do this again and again.
melnotes wrote: You are so wonderful and kind! Thank you :)
pluto178 wrote: One meal a day would probably be enough when you don't get much to well done for this kindness act. x

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