Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Citrus on the Doorstep

--by Mish, posted Mar 2, 2016
Every 3 months, a former neighbor of ours who moved to Florida sends us a huge carton of grapefruits & navel oranges. It's way too much for just the two of us to consume, so we leave bags of citrus on various neighbors' doorsteps with a SMILE Card in the bag. Today my husband was the "citrus-fairy" who dropped off the bags. :)
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Did husband wear his wings too??? yummy giving and sharing!
lt33 wrote: Citrus fairy love that lol I'm sure a lot of your neighbors are enjoying them right now
AndiCas wrote: What great gift to find on the doorstep.
horsegirl21 wrote: nice!
Marleen wrote: Citrus are soooo healthy! Nice gifts!!
terre wrote: What a nice sharing of sunshine!
kjoyw wrote: We used to often get these boxes from husband's family in Florida. We ate some. Juiced some and froze the juice, but gave lots away. Sure many are glad for your giving.
leoladyc728 wrote: very kind of you.
melnotes wrote: What a wonderful way to share :)
pluto178 wrote: You certainly need a little bit of Florida at the moment actually what a good time to eat citrus when we lack the sun the most. x

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