Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Greeting Cards For Those In Prison

--by virgtom08, posted Mar 3, 2016

I send a variety of greeting cards to a niece who is in prison so she can re-use them for her friends inside and outside. I write her name, a few words and then my name in small letters on the edge of the card so it passes inspection in the mail room. She can cut that off and use the card again. I buy cards in bulk (Current) and go to the dollar store. She so appreciates this as cards are expensive to buy. I also include articles, jokes, or pictures each time for her. She often shares these with her 'roommates'. She keeps the pictures of the ones she really likes. She can do a drawing or write something more on either or both sides of the other half if she wants to. 
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Readers Comments

Angélika wrote: Such a lovely gesture!
May life bless you in many ways!
Carol wrote: That is such a great idea, i'm sure you have put many smiles on all those she is in prison with. Keep doing all the beautiful things you do and say that help others out. You are such a blessing, sharing your love to others.
Mish wrote: Thank you for sharing Light where so very needed. Bless ❤️
splain wrote: Never thought of this but yes , great idea.
mindyjourney wrote: wonderful way to share inspiration and connect, my friend. thank you!
bountiful wrote: what a fantastic way to bring laughter and joy, as well as recycling paper too!! Star!!
savraj wrote: Very kind of you.
melnotes wrote: What a lovely gift of love and kindness you have given her at what can only be a tough time in her life xx
pluto178 wrote: I must say Prison life is fascinating me just at the moment.... so often the people in there just needed a little medical help and they might never have ended up in this situation......there but for the Grace of God go any one of us and I would love to see prison reforms from governments all over the world. We are meant to be reforming them and returning them to society better happier people................I hope The Universe finds a way soon. I love the idea of them receiving joke cards though that would certainly lift anyone. x
kjoyw wrote: The connections of caring are so needed within those walls. Blessings for doing this.

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