Readers Comments
AnnC wrote: So glad you made a safe choice and that you were there to help the man who apparently didn't.
brad2 wrote: You were at the right place, AT THE RIGHT TIME, good stuff.
mindyjourney wrote: Thank you for being the angel of rescue that truck driver needed!
Denysewade wrote: Wow..glad you were able to help
pyronik wrote: doubly glad you decided not to venture further upwards.
horsegirl21 wrote: great that you could help
lt33 wrote: Wow so glad u were there for that guy my dad had his truck roll over a couple times down a hill on black ice but thank god he wasn't hurt a little shook up truck was fine & a guy called from his car letting me know there was definitely a guardian angel watching over him that day
MammaDeb wrote: there are no coincidences. that you acted willingly and with kindness when an opportunity was presented to be of service to someone in needs, gives evidence that you are connected to the Divine. Thank you for your generous heart.
Mish wrote: BMW's are very well made cars. Thank you for being his Angel 👼
terre wrote: That was perfect timing! Thank you.