Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The kindest things are sometimes the most simple things

--by brindlegirl, posted Mar 7, 2016
I believe the kindest things we can do for others, are often the simplest. These are things which generally cost you nothing but your time and are just so thoughtful. I discovered this once again this morning .

I have a wonderful pen pal who is a South African lady. She is currently imprisoned in Thailand, but we are able to stay connected. This lady is one of the most beautiful, kind hearted, and loving women I think I have ever met. Her story is a sad one, but not uncommon.  Her reality is the same as many who end up imprisoned  in foreign countries.

We have been friends now for almost 4 years. I'm very grateful for her, and I know one day we will meet. I also believe in my heart she will be released.

She has one daughter who was only 3 when she was imprisoned. I have written to her daughter and gotten to know her also. I am also friends with her on Facebook. This is what brings me to this kindness.

Knowing that Pauline doesn't have access to the Internet and knowing how much she'd appreciate photos of her daughter,  I went to my local printer and had a few of her daughter's Facebook photos printed up to send her. It was something so simple yet it was filled with my heart. I don't think any one of us could truly know how much this would mean to her.

Pauline is in contact with her daughter, but as far as I know, she doesn't receive photos. So doing this today made me feel so good inside. As a mother myself, I know how much joy something like this would bring to me.  As a mother myself,  I cannot imagine what Pauline must go through knowing her daughter is on the other side of the world, a daughter who was only a toddler when she left and now a young lady.

She can't even kiss her goodnight, ask her how her day has been, or be there for her first heartbreak.

On days when 'woe is me' creeps into my mindset, I only have to think of Pauline, a lady in a prison in Thailand living in conditions we couldn't even imagine.  This instantly put things into perspective and my own woes disappear in a heartbeat.

She is one of the strongest ladies I know and today I send her so much love. If you are someone who prays, then I ask from the kindness of your own heart that you also pray for this woman: a mother, a fellow human being, a beautiful soul who is fighting battles harder than any one of us can imagine.

Bless you all ♡

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Readers Comments

kjoyw wrote: Your kindness is amazing! Blessings to you for what you are doing for Pauline and for being her contact to the world outside of the walls that confine her. Blessings for her, as well. Will focus on resolution that will result in her release.
lt33 wrote: What an amazing thing you did for Paulina she will cherish those pics & you gave her a gift that can't be bought let us know what her reaction was when she receives her pic
splain wrote: You are so caring of this lady and her daughter. You show so much empathy. It must be terrible for her and you sending photos, gives her happiness.
terre wrote: This is such a thoughtful thing you are doing. Thank you for your ever-kind heart and generosity.
pluto178 wrote: What a beautiful young lady she is in those photos her Mum will be delighted to see them and I wish her all the very best of luck in the future................x
mindyjourney wrote: Going the extra, my friend, and providing photos is such a wonderful idea! thank you :)
melnotes wrote: What a wonderful loving act of kindness you are doing for them xxx
mish wrote: Beautiful kindness ❤️
shane1 wrote: Hi, could you kindly share what actually happened to her? If its private, don't bother. I don't want to intrude.
ksim2 wrote: Why is she in prison?

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