Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A visit with a lovely lady named Olga

--by brindlegirl, posted Mar 4, 2016

Today I had the pleasure of visiting this lovely lady, Olga. She doesn't speak very much, and our conversations are never deep. But it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm there, holding her hand listening. She isn't alone. So many elderly are alone and living in convalescent homes.

They may have the latest technology; TV's, and all the latest gadgets, much like Olga's brand new establishment. But you know what? None of it means anything to them. All they want is company. All they want it for someone to care and to show them that they matter.

People often say what I do is kind and so great. It really isn't. I do nothing special at all. I just turn up, and by doing so it shows I care. It shows she means something to me.

And she does. I took this photo today because sometimes I don't know what to do. I feed her biscuits, attempt conversation and when really stuck, pull out my phone and take photos. Today I did all three. It doesn't take much to show someone you care. It only asks that you be there. <3
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Readers Comments

kiwicat wrote: Thats lovely. I read an article in the paper not lng ago, that some elderly people never get visitors the entire time they are in a rest home or aged care facility. Bless your beautiful heart x
KindMyst wrote: ❤️
kjoyw wrote: Loving kindness you are for Olga!
splain wrote: Your right you sort of kindness is the best. You turn up and connect in some way with Olga. You are with her and she has someone who holds her hand and listens. Beautiful kindness
melnotes wrote: Loving kindness and opening your heart for this beautiful lady :)
pyronik wrote: Thank you, & it is great kindness, the greatest gift you can give is your time. I was struck yesterday by how rarely I actually stop & listen to people
terre wrote: Be there and care; that's all that is required, and you do it regularly. Olga is blessed to have you in her life, and I believe you are blessed too. Look at how she is looking at you. You matter to her! Thank you.
pluto178 wrote: This is why pensioners were reluctant to have their pensions paid directly into their bank accounts sometimes the woman at the post office was the only one they spoke to all week. x
savraj wrote: You are so kind and thoughtful. Thankyou for doing this.
truthunltd wrote: So KIND of You. Great Job. :-))))))

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