Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My gift to an old friend

--by jemimainjapan, posted Mar 1, 2016

Tonight I am going to finally start on a project I have been procrastinating on for a while. A few years back, I lived in Japan for two years. I made a lot of friends there, including a sweet old man who worked in the office I did paperwork in on Friday afternoons. He really welcomed me into the community. His hobby was drawing and painting, and he was very talented at it.
I bought this book which is filled with suggestions of interesting things to draw (followed by the appropriate space to draw them) but they are in English, and he can't read them, so I am going to translate the whole book into Japanese. I hope he likes it and still has fond memories of me. It has been too long since last communicating with him. 
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Readers Comments

AnnC wrote: Oh! That is an amazing gift. I know he will treasure it.
mindyjourney wrote: What a great gift, my friend! enjoy the translate and the give <3. Can't wait to hear how he enjoys. Thank you.
kiwicat wrote: Its humbling, hearing be welcomed into a community from another perspective. Thats great doing the translation for him.
Mish wrote: Beautiful idea 👍
info66 wrote: What a great kindness from his side then! And awesome gift from you too!!
terre wrote: Seems like a perfect gift to me. Enjoy the translating and the giving of the book.
kjoyw wrote: You can translate English into Japanese? That is an amazing skill! And a wonderful kindness for you to do for him!
lt33 wrote: Wow what an amazing gift you're going to give him & taking out so much time to do that he'll appreciate the effort you put into it all 📖😊
jacobecramer wrote: Great gift; thanks for sharing
melnotes wrote: What an awesome idea! Let us know how it goes :)

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