Readers Comments
burns wrote: Thank you for relaying the story on to us. Knowing of such special kind happenings is so inspiring!!!
mindyjourney wrote: it is a kinder world, my friend...especially where pizza is concerned! thank you for sharing with us :)
Mish wrote: How beautiful !!
brad2 wrote: A Pizza and kindness story...(the best kind).
splain wrote: I have a lovely feeling about this manager. I think he invented these two free meals to make the lady feel better. What a beautiful person the manger is.
terre wrote: Thank your friend for sharing this generous story with you and with us.
kjoyw wrote: Agree with Splain (and also others above) that this was possibly his kind way of handling this. Is a kinder world than we some times think.
melnotes wrote: The world is a beautiful place :)
sheba wrote: This made me tear up. Watching/hearing of a kind act is experiencing it ourselves. Thank you so much!
Not a real pizza fan, but will look for a pizza express!
Not a real pizza fan, but will look for a pizza express!
Virginia wrote: Random acts of kindness strikes again - in your family and the manager. Goes to show you never know how a good thought or deed will turn out. This one is having a ripple effect now.