Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Giving Smiles

--by alisamom, posted Mar 2, 2016
Today my daughter's garden club went on a field trip to a local greenhouse/garden center. The owner gave a personal tour of everything. She was such a nice lady she even gave every participant a pot of narcissus, and I gave her a peace dove before we left.
Then my daughter and I decided to do a little shopping, and the cashier was so nice, I asked her what her favorite chocolate bar was, bought that flavor, and then gave it to her with a smile card and a peace dove. She said "you don't have to do that", but I put it down on the counter and said "I bought it for you cause you are so nice!" And I just walked off. I'll have to find a smoother way of doing that next time. And leave a receipt so they don't get in trouble! ;)

Both times I felt very self conscious, I almost backed out each time. But it felt good to make someone smile!

I will do that again! :)))
1119 Reads

Readers Comments

horsegirl21 wrote: very nice and spontaneous :))
kjoyw wrote: Nicely done!
Mish wrote: Well done!! Hugs for you x
mindyjourney wrote: Yay!! that's how RAOK's are done, my friend :)), randomly and with love <3. you did great!
melnotes wrote: Awesome!
terre wrote: You're following in some great footsteps here! Thanks for taking that next step!
lstorme2 wrote: Wonderful!

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