Stories of Kindness from Around the World

It's Not What I Got, But What I Gave

--by Winston, posted Jan 10, 2009

It took me quite a while to realize that a simple smile and short greeting could truly make a difference in people's lives.  I did not smile much as a teenager or young adult.  Once in a while someone would say, "Smile", and I would want to tell them to mind their own business. 

As I grew up and was able to get out of my own head , I began to realize that it was not what I got but what I gave that would ultimately make me smile with autenthicity.  Even when life is rough, I remeber that others might be having a tough time too and I always try to rise to the occasions and brandish a smile.

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Readers Comments

jaydeebug wrote: Winston....Pearls of Wisdom!

NOT WHAT I GOT BUT WHAT I GAVE.....Thank you for those words.
humaira wrote: wow am very plaeased to read this. I am happy that you realised 'smiles are important' not paticularly in your life but atleast in others:-) be happy. keep smiling. god bless!
Winston wrote: Thank you.
lmil1954 wrote: Winston I too am thankful for your insight. Great! Keep smiling as often as possible. Linda:)
Tigerlily wrote: I love the use of the word "brandish".. makes me think of a smile as a "kindness weapon." My mom always used to say, "kill 'em with kindness". Thanks for this reminder of our weapon of kindness. :)
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for sharing and the comments here were great too!
oodles wrote: Great realization my friend! Its amazing what a smile for others will do for you!
swelinaung wrote: Please send me more newer stories.


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