Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Priceless trust at YooGool

--by cyctw, posted Mar 18, 2016
I always take my daughter and her best friend out for a snack and boba tea after their dance practice. I got to YooGool and as I realized I had forgotten my wallet at home, I planned on using Apple Pay.

Unfortunately, I found out too late that they don't accept it. There I stood with a two very disappointed young girls. Mindy, the cashier, said: "don't worry, you can pay us the next time you come in!" Her generous spirit and warm heart turned what could've been a very sad moment for two young ladies (and that can't turn out well for a dad!) into one of the most wonderful gifts I could've received. Not the food on loan, but the trust that one being just showed in another. She has no idea how big of a tip she's in for! :) 

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Readers Comments

Mish wrote: Bless Mindy :)))
mindyjourney wrote: Those "mindys" are usually pretty okay :))). Wonderful kindness <3
kjoyw wrote: Let's here it for the Mindys!
leoladyc728 wrote: very sweet of her so you didn't have to disappoint the girls.
savraj wrote: So kind!
splain wrote: There must be a special sort of Angel called MIndy!!!!!
pluto178 wrote: Was Mork with Mindy's are just so plain nice x
lya348 wrote: Worked out beautifully and they still got their treat!
Linda Moody wrote: Hi cyctw, bravo to that special girl, mindy!
schultzc wrote: This reminded me of the time that i went to go cut down a christmas tree. I had set my purse down in the garage before taking the dog outside and forgot to grab it. Went to the tree farm 45 minutes away, chopped down a tree and went to pay for it--and no purse. The tree farmer said, "take the tree. Here's my business card. Drop a check in the mail. " i was soooo touched. I got home, wrote out the check and packaged up a bunch of cookies and mailed them to this kind, trusting soul. So blessed!

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