Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Ode to Our Family

--by merce1644, posted Jan 14, 2009

This song I wrote is dedicated to the family I have in my life.  I believe that we have two types of family:  the ones that we are born with and the ones we create as family along our life journey. It is this collective growing family which has helped me learn the importance of trusting myself and believing that though I may rise and fall in life, I am forever graced with their love.  I’m blessed to have 6 lifelong friends that I see as my brothers and my sisters in addition to my Mom, Dad, and Brother. Though it may seem that I have very few people in my life aside from my immediate family that I can count on, I have come to see it as an eternal blessing because it is they who have showered me with unconditional love through their presence and have helped me see that it is through the love of family, I came to see my own light. This song is for my growing family.

They can say,
Anything they want to say,
And try to bring me down,
But I will not allow anyone                                                                          Hide me behind the clouds

And they can try hard to make me feel                                                  That I don't matter at all,
But I refuse to falter in what I believe 

Because there is a light in me                                                                That shines brightly,                                                                             They can try,
But they can't take that away from me
From me

Oh they can do
Anything they want to you,
Even if you let them in,                                                                         They won't ever win,

See I have learned,
There's an inner peace I own,
Something in my soul that only I can know
So when I am not afraid                                                                       Soon the darkness begins to fade

Because there's a light in me,
That shines brightly,  
It shines so brightly in me                                                                       and its the same one                                                                              that sparkles in you                                                                

Now if someone asked you: How many people you have in your life that you can call family? I hope I can be lucky enough to be a part of yours.


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Readers Comments

dizzy50dianne wrote: I have found that sometimes God doesn't allow us to be BORN into the family He would have us FIND on our own. You are surely blessed.
merce1644 wrote: I’m with you Dizzy. I sometimes think that too, but that is the amazing thing about life you can make choices that can change your life for the better.
lovebug wrote: It was not so much your wonderful words of wisdom that impressed me so, it was your name. Miarah. There was a point in my life, I actually stared to worry. It was a health issue. I can't really say I was worried, but I did have some concern. When, out of the blue I got a phone call from this woman, and her name was Mariah. I can't say she was family, or even a real close firend. But thru the grace of God, I had crossed her mind, she had to look me up in the telephone book,as we were not aquatinted enough for her to have my telephone number. It is very rare for me to give my number to any person. However, God was good, as always, and I did cross her mind, so she looked me up. She had the name of the doctor I would need to see to get rid of this concern that was rapidly becoming a worry. In the end all was well, so I never forget to thank God for this woman who's name was MARIAH.
merce1644 wrote: Lovebug "Mariah's Theme" is my favorite song of Miriah Carey, it helps me whenever im felling BLUE!!! I hope everything is good with you!!!

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