Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Generosity is Universal

--by jaydeebug, posted Jan 16, 2009

This beautiful story was found in the Daily OM....I believe the Okinawan people also have a sharing tradition similar to this one.  It makes one think of stories about the pioneers who had barn raisings and community gathering to bring in crops and bread starters. Its message is timeless as generosity transcends both history and cultural barriers.

Encouraging Generosity

We can learn much from the Native American tradition of the potlatch. It is a tradition that values generosity above all else, and a potlatch, which is a very grand ceremony, is an exercise in giving away material possessions, food, and money. It is not uncommon for the host of a potlatch to give away so much of his own resources to his guests that he ends up with nothing. However, he can regain his wealth by attending potlatches at which he is a guest. In this way, a potlatch validates generosity and encourages the flow of resources in a community, while at the same time continually reaffirming the importance of community ties.

When we are held in a web of trust and connection, we can give generously, knowing that when it is our turn we will be supported. In this way, our whole sense of ownership becomes less individualistic and more communal. Resources are in an acceptable state of flux, moving within the community through the vehicle of the potlatch, which serves the additional function of strengthening community ties. This seems clearly preferable to isolating ourselves from one another and hoarding our resources.

Perhaps we can find ways in our own lives to create a community in which a flow of resources happens in this way, in which we support one another to be generous. We might begin by celebrating our own type of potlatch, having a dinner party and giving each guest an object that is dear to us. Or we could give everyone a little bit of money in an envelope to spend on themselves just for fun. Someone might get inspired to throw their own potlatch, and before we know it we might have a tradition that supports and validates generosity even as it creates a safety net for leaner times. In the most profound sense, that is what a community, a tribe, and family do best. 

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Readers Comments

lovebug wrote: I think I have heard this story twice today. You and Brighteyes seem to be reading from the same page. I think it might help me if I knew how to get unto the subscription list of this Daily OM. But on the other hand, a part of me says, I am getting the same information, but in another language. Let me know, I do not want to be left behind.
dancingDog wrote: A wonderful philosophy - we have learned so much from the native Americans. Thanks for sharing! :=D
jaydeebug wrote: Hi Lovebug....lit a candle and said a prayer at Sat. eve. mass as you asked. I think if you just put Daily OM in your search engine, it will bring it up. I don't like all they write but some of their articles are right on...Hope you find it.
brighteyes wrote: I just posted and didn't read any stories....too busy today....yep, Jay we're in synch....I too liked this story enough to post! Brighteyes ;)

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