Readers Comments
lovebug wrote: I think I have heard this story twice today. You and Brighteyes seem to be reading from the same page. I think it might help me if I knew how to get unto the subscription list of this Daily OM. But on the other hand, a part of me says, I am getting the same information, but in another language. Let me know, I do not want to be left behind.
dancingDog wrote: A wonderful philosophy - we have learned so much from the native Americans. Thanks for sharing! :=D
jaydeebug wrote: Hi Lovebug....lit a candle and said a prayer at Sat. eve. mass as you asked. I think if you just put Daily OM in your search engine, it will bring it up. I don't like all they write but some of their articles are right on...Hope you find it.
brighteyes wrote: I just posted and didn't read any stories....too busy today....yep, Jay we're in synch....I too liked this story enough to post! Brighteyes ;)