Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Free Books at the Health Club

--by mindyjourney, posted Apr 3, 2016
Last time I checked the little 'free library' outside the health club, there wasn't ONE book in there! So, I have assembled a few books for husband to donate on his way into the the club. I am also including a SMILE card and origami dove in each. :) Maybe, I need to donate 2 or 3 books every time I go past, instead of just one.

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Readers Comments

seamar67 wrote: Love the polka dot doves! And of course all the book kindness. Stacks of RAKs :) You rock.
kjoyw wrote: Noticed that the one I take books to was getting a little low, too. Think it's the warmer weather and people are out walking more and by the LFL more often. Have a couple of totes full of books on my car that ai use to relish. Need to d that soon. All of mine have doves in them as well!
splain wrote: I so wish we had one in Canberra. If there is one , I can't find it. I have so many wonderful books that I want to donate to fellow booklovers
ChristineAZ wrote: Wonderful!

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