Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Chance Encounter Brings Joy

--by paolagast, posted Mar 25, 2016
I was taking the garbage out two nights ago and I recognize a neighbor so I said "Hi". We started chatting and he began by telling me how his wife had passed away in September last year and how they had been together for 63 years. He is now 87. 

I was delighted listening to his stories about when he lived in Poland, where he is from, and how he was a welder that got payment only with food and wine. :) He proceeded to tell me very interesting facts about crows he had seen on National Geographic, and about how happy he is in this neighborhood where he can walk everywhere and doesn't even need a car to get around.

We chatted for about 30 minutes and then we proceeded to part ways. On his way back in, he was sure to let me know how I had made his day by chatting with him. He said he's old and just talks to himself everyday.

During the conversation, he told me what unit he lives in, in the building and I was so happy about that! I decided to bake a delicious quiche and some peanut butter cookies to share with him, and chat with him some more. In the meantime, I want to ask him if he would like me to visit from time to time, I'm sure he'll love the company and the human interaction:)

So I wanted to share my story, because not only I made his day, he made mine! It was the highlight of my day, and now I can't wait to surprise him with my food! :):):)
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Readers Comments

Bharati Dalal wrote: Remembering this joyous experience we must chat with people ,give a smile as "smile takes you miles", 7 do much more. That will satisfy you both.
NAYIGA RESTY wrote: I have admired his aging styles. Imagine talking alone!

Lina Herrera wrote: I learn from this story about the importance of taking the time to listen and talk with somebody. We are always in a hurry and forget the human part of living between people. Thank you!
Sandra wrote: Connecting with the elderly can be a blessing to both parties, as it appears it was for the two of you. Life can seem so empty when we age and interaction is key to emotional well-being, as well as health. That was a blessed meeting; please continue to check on him and i'm sure he will enjoy sharing the food you prepare.
Virginia wrote: I have often lived in neighborhoods with elderly people nearby. They are always glad to have additional contact. Most also appreciate visiting with younger kids. You do indeed learn some interesting information because each individual, especially those of another generation, have their own types of stories to tell.
Ellen wrote: I love that you would take time to listen to this man. Human interaction is so important as senate. Thank you for being so thoughtful!
melnotes wrote: Hope your having a wonderful week too, what a lovely connection :)
mindyjourney wrote: So nice to hear from you, my friend :). Was thinking of you! Lovely connection with elder neighbor and furthering with cookies and quiche :). Thank you for your continued kindness.
splain wrote: I think you will make a big difference in his life. he must be terribly lonely. I think the homemade cooking will make his day. Thanks for caring so much
katking wrote: may this be a great friendship!

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