Readers Comments
splain wrote: It is so nice that you were open and friendly but sad reflection on many of her customers. Being polite and smiling is not the norm anymore, very sad.
vitalreiki wrote: Kindness is such a simple thing to offer in any situation.
melnotes wrote: How lovely to have your kindness recognised in something as easy to give as a smile :)
kjoyw wrote: So wonderful of you to be so kind and friendly!,studies have shown that, for the most part, clerks and cashiers more often than not feel invisible to those they serve. You made a big difference in that person's life that day. Well done, you!
bountiful wrote: way to go kindmind, ensuring kindness is met with simple smile says it all..
leoladyc728 wrote: Great smiling and kindness. I know I try to be friendly in whatever store of place I go into. It makes my day so much better.
shane1 wrote: You have to realise what a horribly boring, drudgery job she must have. So any relief would be heaven. It just shows that even if everyone doesn't appreciate everyday courtesies, its worth making the effort, because you'll always find someone who needs it from you. And I don't think the others aren't appreciative. They're probably too occupied with their own stresses and troubles, and if they have a moment they would also appreciate it. So I guess you have to be doggedly, mulishly stubbornly nice.. Even if you're getting no response. Or feedback.
shane1 wrote: You have to be nice because of the greater good, and that's realistically, the most practical way to behave.
mindyjourney wrote: to connect with others thru our smiles and deep "seeing" is such a gift :). Thank you doing, my friend :).
Mish wrote: Simple to do and so powerful. Bless.