Readers Comments
lt33 wrote: Wow that's a great quote look for the helpers thank u for posting I'll rem this when I travel on Mon I have a little anxiety to get to the place nor actually flying
mindyjourney wrote: so true, my friend... always there are helpers and goodness, that is where our focus and encouragement is.
Mish wrote: Bless the Helpers. Great post, Petro. Much needed encouragement now. Thank you.
kjoyw wrote: You quoted one of M all time favorite quotes ( and ai have lots!), but this one says It all about our need and capacity for connection! Heard her speak once when she was discussing one of her books, Caleb's Crossing, and she used this quote! And it is in the helpers that we see the heroes. And we also see the Divine, and the Divine in each of them. Wonderful post!
terre wrote: Helpers are everywhere, and we can join them any time...
melnotes wrote: Kindness ripples around the world!
Christine88 wrote: Beautiful. Love and kindness.
joanellenhoo wrote: I love your story. Mr rogers' quote is a favorite of mine too. There is a lot of wisdom there on many levels.