Readers Comments
mindyjourney wrote: Looks at all those kind kids! :))) Great teaching of economy and kindness too :)). Can I give my points to the student who used his for party? :)))
Mish wrote: You are such an inspiration for your students. No wonder they are so awesome!!
horsegirl21 wrote: Sounds like a wonderful learning program; so kind of that student to share with the class:)
DANCE wrote: wow, lovely
leoladyc728 wrote: You are doing wonderful work and teaching these students so much more than the academics they have to cover.
bountiful wrote: So awesome to see the kids smiling and enjoying their lunch too!! wonderful gift for the classmates as well sharing and caring is learnt in this classroom!!
melnotes wrote: WOW! This is awesome :)
kjoyw wrote: Very wonderful!
watersparkle wrote: That is so beautiful! Thank you for your work.
joanellenhoo wrote: So many questions. Would you be willing to go into more detail about this project? And is there a kindness component to the program? Props to you. And that amazing kid.