Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Moment That Didn't Need Words

--by wayfarer, posted Feb 2, 2009
When Julie and I were on our honeymoon in the Dominican Republic we were mostly cocooned in one of those all-inclusive resorts. (The image of paradise was slightly altered when I discovered that the far reaches of the beach had armed guards!)
We went on a coach trip across the island to visit the capitol city (where Columbus first landed in the New World, I think.) We had a good day and were well fleeced as tourists should be.
On the way back we were driving through a jungle area. The kind of place where women still wash clothes on the rocks by the rivers. The driver pulled over and let a matronly lady, loaded down with bags, climb on board. She sat well away from us tourists and never said a word. But an hour into the journey she developed one of those really annoying, dry, tickly coughs. They were really racking her.
Eventually we pulled over to a truck stop/souvenir shop. We all piled out, but the lady stayed on board. After a moment or two of looking at local crafts I saw the cooler cabinet with fizzy drinks and bottled water. I bought a bottle of cool, clear water and went back to the bus. The lady was still coughing when I held out the bottle. I don't know any Spanish and she didn't speak English, but the moment didn't need words.
We dropped her off on the rough outskirts of another city, but before she left she stopped and smiled at Julie and I. We were from different cultures, with different expectations of life. But the gift of water and a smile of thanks bypassed all of that.  For that moment we were both simply human.
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Readers Comments

VV wrote: Tourists are away from their routine ego. Anxiety. Insecurity. That's why they are more human and responsive to such emotions. And you see that's why every normal person loves journeys ti unknown places. He finds such opportunity there. One who is free of ego anxiety insecurity (like mother theresa) are fultime tourist fir that matter.
luv4all wrote: Thats' so nice of you. I have similar itchy cough at times and its difficult to control and quite embarassing.

She did need that acceptance more than anything else :)
sheilaellen wrote: Words were not needed. I pray that in my daily life i'll never be in to big of a hurry to stop & help & give to those in need.
Ann wrote: Indeed, no words were needed
Quaker wrote: That was vey nice of you wayfarer
bluebell wrote: Heart language needs no words. God bless you both. Love and light. Bluebell.
akbj wrote: Great telling of an incident in which you were god's angels on earth to a person with probably very low expectations & a hard life.
Smitha wrote: Nice post. Love and music needs not translation. I wish you and julie a happy and blessed life. God bless.
Maumauc wrote: I always have liked the back roads that lead us to usually missed surprises, rewards, joyful moments that the hectic world usually bypasses. Sounds like you have a had a interesting start to you marriage, and i feel to your lives. Agape'
FuzzyWuzzy wrote: Beautiful. A smile surely doesn't need any translating now does it?

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