Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Letting Go and Trusting in the Ripples

--by brindlegirl, posted May 14, 2016
I just love the way life works. Take today for example ....

Today I posted a book to a friend abroad. A book I was very reluctant to let go off and give. It was one of my all time favourites, extremely rare, and one I wanted to keep. However I felt and knew that this book would serve this friend of mine deeply. So $13 later it was sent, on its way overseas.

Then just moments ago I came home and checked my own mail, and inside find a package addressed to me. I open it and inside. A book. This book.
Of all things. A book.

And of all the days for it to arrive it arrives today. The day I let go of and sent one of my own very beloved books.

The universe/God/life always provides. And will return to you whatever you let go of and give out of the goodness of your heart.

Today was a beautiful example of this 💞
794 Reads

Readers Comments

splain wrote: I am always amazed when things like this happen We really don't have all the answers.
whitedove wrote: Beautiful story! Our lives are filled with daily miracles. I think the more we look for them, the more we will see them.
Annabella wrote: Beautiful kindness and perfect timing. So pleased for you! <3
mindyjourney wrote: amazing, isn't it, when we open to the Universal flow and nudges?? These "miracles" happen more and more and we recognize them as such too! Wonderful giving and receiving :).
mnc_91 wrote: I don't tire reading wonderful stories like this. Thank you :-)
Mish wrote: Kindness comes home :)))
horsegirl21 wrote: Wow, that is Karma for sure :))
leoladyc728 wrote: so kind of you to share your book with your friend. Your kindness was rewarded.
agarwalceema wrote: Dear brindlegirl - i wish you know what your story meant to me. Today i am letting go something very very dear to me and a part of me is in mourning. I am pulling in all my trust and faith in the universe and letting this one go. And then i read your story. I really needed this today. Thank you. :) :)

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