Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Passing Not Forgotten

--by AURELIA, posted Feb 2, 2009

My friend's dad passed away 2 weeks ago. A few of us got together and had a beautiful basket of live flowers sent to her house instead of an arrangement to the funeral palor (they were called a Bulb Garden Basket).

The idea is to plant the bulbs in your own garden after the flowers bloom in the basket. This way you will have a sweet memory each Spring for years to come. 

Yesterday when I got home from work, my friend was outside in her flower bed planting the bulbs. I looked over and she was in deep thought. I waited for her to look up at me and then I walked over. We didn't say much, we both have just lost a parent recently -- our hearts know the hurt -- words were not necessary. She softly said "thank you" and gave me a hug. 

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Readers Comments

lmil1954 wrote: That is really a very lovely idea! Thanks Aurelia. Love, Linda:)
barefootdiva wrote: Wonderful idea! I have a couple of friends that had given me perennials when they were alive. Both have since passed and each year when the flowers bloom it brings me such a nice feel to see their flowers/plants in bloom.

I will most certainly remember this and send bulbs along also.

Thank you!
lovebug wrote: Your story reminded me of my mother-inlaw. Me, I am a seed planter and want to see growth in a hurry. Now, her, she plants bulbs, that is because she has patience to wait. She planted a tulip bulb 5yr ago, this is the first year it bloomed, but she knew it was there and waited, and got to see the fruit of her labor.
silly wrote: Hi Aurelia,
Its really a very nice thought.

It is true friendship when you sit together, don't say a single word but leave with a feeling that this was the best conversation you both ever had.

so thanks for sharing such a nice thought.
bhappy wrote: Aurelia, That is a wonderful idea!! I'm going to share this with my mom. You are such a beautiful flower, you share you beauty with all...Love you, Becki
Maumauc wrote: Wonderful idea I know you are a blessing as a neighbor. Keep on shining dear heart. agape'
Tigerlily wrote: Sometimes hearts speak louder and more accurately than our mouths could ever do. What a treasure you are aurelia; you know the value of silence as well as the spirit of true friendship. Bless you always and all ways.
brinda wrote: That is such a wonderful idea. Thank you.
hotcocoa wrote: So nice, this story is so angelical like.

Really nice i must repeat.

Thanks for sharing it.

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