Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Kindness Dilemma of Sorts

--by Gyrocloudy, posted May 19, 2016
Little act of kindness and unkindness at the same time??

I was reading and suddenly a bee entered through the window. It was flying near there and suddenly it fell into a spider web I didn't notice before. Quickly a spider descended upon the bee and started to use more web to try to cover it.

I grabbed a pencil and rescued the little bee, without touching the spider. Then the bee was having trouble to get rid of the web. It was on its wings and legs. I watched and tried to help.

It took nearly 36 minutes. Then flew away and returned to say thanks, I'd assume. It was in the curtain. And after some movements of its head, flew again.

So, kind act for bee.
Unkind act for spider, for I stole its prey.
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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: Hmmm...i suppose you were meant to save the bee, yet in the web of lfe, who knows what is our path or not? The bee thanks you, even tho the spider may not :).
scushman wrote: The bee is very grateful and now can pollinate more flowers!
leoladyc728 wrote: I am so grateful that you were able to save the bee.
splain wrote: That was a hard one but animal kingdom, animal rules. They all need to eat. The bee loves you
lindariebel wrote: I, too, have such mixed feelings about the way our nature involves eating each other.... The least I could do was go vegetarian!
agarwalceema wrote: Wow you spent 36 minutes in rescuing the bee. I am so grateful for you. Thank you. :)

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