Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Teens Making A Difference

--by AnnC, posted May 25, 2016
Today I was honored to attend a meeting of TAB (Teens Against Bullying) at the high school where my husband works. WOW! What a great group of kids! Today’s topic was “Supporting Each Other” and they handed each attendee a bookmark with this message:

Share your truth
Understand others have their own truth
Participate in many activities to get to know others
Pose Questions to understand
Offer encouragement – not judgment
Reach out – be a friend
Together we can make a difference.

One of the service / education projects this group is doing is working with kids in elementary students to stand up against bullying. They have set up teams of 3 - 4 high school students who work with groups of 10 - 12 elementary school students. One team is doing a project with a group of 3rd graders aimed at helping them to learn cooperation and encouragement.

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Readers Comments

mindyjourney wrote: such important educational tools for a kinder world! Tx for all the S U P P O R T! :))
kiwicat wrote: I love this!! Good work :-)
splain wrote: So needed in schools. This gives me hope that people are now doing something wonderful like this. good one
leoladyc728 wrote: great program and thank you for doing your part.

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