Readers Comments
bhappy wrote: Thank you for sharing that. I too when I have good service will let the manager know and they usually seem surprised that someone would say something nice...Have a Blessed and Sunny Day..Becki
lovebug wrote: That is indeed a good idea, I will look for that sign "How are we doing" and get a number. I do try to tell the management, but I am never sure if it ever reaches the corporate headquarters. Who know? It is possible the little people could be moved to management.
Maumauc wrote: I always look for name tags too, always brings a smile to hear good job, especially from those we are taking care of in our jobs or our families.
AURELIA wrote: I've said "thanks for doing such a great job" directly to the cashier or service person. Many times they say I wish you could tell my manager. If they are around I will go up to them and tell them how fortunate they are to empployee such outstanding people. :0) Thanks for letting me know that it not only makes a difference to their confidence, but also their wallet.
:0) ~Aurelia
:0) ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: How very true!!! I know all to well as I am in the food industry. Thanks for sharing this little gem-Love, Linda:)
makesomeonesmile wrote: You are very right, sometimes just being acknowledged is a very important thing. Any time we can take a moment to recognize someone it is a good thing!
Nandi wrote: Dear eowynts,
Thanks a ot for this post. It's a very good idea.
I usually thank/praise the person serving me, no matter where or who. I even ask for the comment form if they have any and write good words for thoe who have given me good service.
Appreciation is very important, it could make somebody's day, month, the year or even entire life!! Who knows?!
Thanks a ot for this post. It's a very good idea.
I usually thank/praise the person serving me, no matter where or who. I even ask for the comment form if they have any and write good words for thoe who have given me good service.
Appreciation is very important, it could make somebody's day, month, the year or even entire life!! Who knows?!
bluebell wrote: Thanks for the post. As much as i can i like to bring a smile to people's face. No a long time ago i went to tesco, a local supermarket to get a few bits and pieces, and noticed that the name of the lady was linda so i told her "did you know that your name in portuguese means beautiful? " as you can imagine she was very pleased, and so was i to bring some light into her work day. Love and light, bluebell
hotcocoa wrote: Thanks for sharing, another good thing to be applied on life :)