Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Renewing My Father's Smile

--by giovanni, posted Feb 6, 2009

Last Sunday I visited my parents as I do every Sunday. My 84 year old Dad seemed unusually worried, so I asked him if anything was the matter. He silently gave me a letter from his motor insurance company to read. In two sentences they informed him that they would no longer be able to insure his small truck and that he can call the undersigned for further clarification.

I told him not to worry and that I would take care of the matter.  The next day I called the undersigned to get clarification. To sum it up, it did not matter to the insurance company that my Dad spent 50 years paying the premium, but what mattered was that in his first accident (last August) the company had to fork out € 8,942.

From then on for three days I visited or phoned almost every broker or insurance company to try and get my Dad an insurance for his truck.  It was pointless trying to explain that my Dad (who lives in a small village) had to take care of all the needs of my Mum and my brother who are both in wheelchairs. All doors were shut. No one wanted to insure his truck.

On the third day when I got home very tired and almost beaten by the harsh cold world where profit seems to govern all, I was saddened. Then all of a sudden an inspirational idea came to me, that would solve the problem. I would transfer the truck into my name and insure it in my name and my Dad would be the second driver so he could keep on going with his life. I immediately phoned Dad and told him about the solution. Boy, was he happy to be given the faculty of driving again.

Yesterday I went to see my parents again and Mum told me how lost my Dad was until I came up with the solution.  He was worrying about how helpless he would feel not being able to care for my Mum's and my brothers’ needs. I was so thrilled knowing that it was possible to beat the profit obsessed system and that Dad was smiling again.

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Readers Comments

Maumauc wrote: You show the true meaning of honoring our mother and father, it's more than a word - it's loving action in word and deed. God bless you.
AURELIA wrote: Good for You!!! I'm so happy it all worked out. Losing his freedom to drive would have been so devasting!!!! Smiles and Happiness to you. ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: That was a wonderful thing for you to do! God bless you-you have surely blessed your parents! Love, Linda:)
makesomeonesmile wrote: How great of you to work so hard to find a solution for your father. I'm sure he is not only thankful but very proud of you too!
Nandi wrote: Dear Giovanni,

I wish every parent in the world has a child like u. Congratulatins for beating, as u so rightly put it, profit obsessed system. This world has become very materialistic and ruthless where there seems to be no place for humanity and human values are disappearing!
THANKS a lot for bringing smile on your parents' faces once again. I pray that God give your parents and brother every happiness.
God bless!
Smiles & love,

lovebug wrote: For most people the car, in your case truck means freedom. I was not easy, and you did try to work withing the system. But the system is broke. Good thinking Giovanni,
giovanni wrote: Dear All thank you for your encouraging words, it helps me to write. God Bless you all.
bluebell wrote: Auguri giovanni and thanks for sharing. I wish that everything goes well.

God bless you. Bluebell
hotcocoa wrote: :d yeah sometimes you must htink outside of the box.

Great thing you did, no matter how exhausted you were you continued :) and that was great.

I congratulate you cause a lot of people can't do what you just did, so we must help :d
dreamer22 wrote: That was so great of you. You're an awesome daughter! :-)

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