Readers Comments
Maumauc wrote: You show the true meaning of honoring our mother and father, it's more than a word - it's loving action in word and deed. God bless you.
AURELIA wrote: Good for You!!! I'm so happy it all worked out. Losing his freedom to drive would have been so devasting!!!! Smiles and Happiness to you. ~Aurelia
lmil1954 wrote: That was a wonderful thing for you to do! God bless you-you have surely blessed your parents! Love, Linda:)
makesomeonesmile wrote: How great of you to work so hard to find a solution for your father. I'm sure he is not only thankful but very proud of you too!
Nandi wrote: Dear Giovanni,
I wish every parent in the world has a child like u. Congratulatins for beating, as u so rightly put it, profit obsessed system. This world has become very materialistic and ruthless where there seems to be no place for humanity and human values are disappearing!
THANKS a lot for bringing smile on your parents' faces once again. I pray that God give your parents and brother every happiness.
God bless!
Smiles & love,
I wish every parent in the world has a child like u. Congratulatins for beating, as u so rightly put it, profit obsessed system. This world has become very materialistic and ruthless where there seems to be no place for humanity and human values are disappearing!
THANKS a lot for bringing smile on your parents' faces once again. I pray that God give your parents and brother every happiness.
God bless!
Smiles & love,
lovebug wrote: For most people the car, in your case truck means freedom. I was not easy, and you did try to work withing the system. But the system is broke. Good thinking Giovanni,
giovanni wrote: Dear All thank you for your encouraging words, it helps me to write. God Bless you all.
bluebell wrote: Auguri giovanni and thanks for sharing. I wish that everything goes well.
God bless you. Bluebell
God bless you. Bluebell
hotcocoa wrote: :d yeah sometimes you must htink outside of the box.
Great thing you did, no matter how exhausted you were you continued :) and that was great.
I congratulate you cause a lot of people can't do what you just did, so we must help :d
Great thing you did, no matter how exhausted you were you continued :) and that was great.
I congratulate you cause a lot of people can't do what you just did, so we must help :d
dreamer22 wrote: That was so great of you. You're an awesome daughter! :-)