Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Countering the Culture of Suffering

--by donothing, posted Feb 12, 2009

I was at the emergency room of a local hospital yesterday helping my brother-in-law who had injured his knee. I hadn't been to the ER in a while, so I was a little taken aback by all the people in there with their various ailments and sufferings. We sat down by one woman who was just crying and crying, while her husband sat looking stunned and in shock. I guessed that they had a relative in there and it was bad, perhaps life-threatening.

I realized that the ER is a place where suffering is the culture; it is blended into the walls. This made me a little down but also eager to be of service. Surely I could do something small to put a smile on someone's face... perhaps counteract the thick cake of suffering that gripped the walls.

My chance came when my sister and I brought some food back to the ER for my brother-in-law, who had gotten hungry while sitting in the waiting room for an hour waiting to be seen by a doctor. As we were just finishing up the food, his name got called and was wisked away into the hospital; I was left to clean up the food. And lo and behold, we had some leftover french fries. I immediately knew what to do with those :)

I offered them to some hispanic ladies sitting close by. They gratefully accepted the snack; I smiled and handed them over, then walked away.

It felt nice. The act wasn't forced, as sometimes happens with me. It was natural, and it was from the heart. It was small, personal, which is the scale I like to operate on :) As I walked to my car, I thought of the woman who was crying. I'm praying that things turned out all right.

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Readers Comments

bhappy wrote: I just love when things come naturally and from the heart..Thank you for sharing and caring..Donothing doesn't fit you, because you are doing something...Have A sunshine Day...Becki
AURELIA wrote: Good for you!!!! When kindness occurs naturally like really does feel writing our experiences like this we are giving others the chance to be kind naturally too...we all learn from one another! Thank you for being you. ~Aurelia
makesomeonesmile wrote: How kind of you! I'm sure it mattered more than you know to them that someone cared. Keep up the great work!
JuneBug wrote: A great act of kindness! Thank you for helping others! :)
tressyanne wrote: good for you. your kindness will always be remembered by that woman.
smiles to you. :)

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