Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Just Another Rainy Day?

--by joyful, posted Feb 13, 2009

It rained today. Depressing? No!  It was wonderful, refreshing and left that gorgeous fresh smell in the air. It washed all the dust off the trees and plants, it somehow renewed everything, gave it a crystal clarity, and the really great part of today... I received many kind words from my new friends on this site. 

Because of you, I talked to a woman at work who is very shy and we laughed together.  I talked with a woman who used to be a friend and cleared the air between us.  I forgave my husband for one of those daft things he does that irritates me.  And tomorrow I plan to keep on with ,or without , the rain. Thank you all!

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Readers Comments

bhappy wrote: Joyful, you had a Glorious Day... And you walked on the clouds with a huge smile on your face...Keep on shining...Luv Becki
mitu915 wrote: thank you. yes, rain is purifying and beautiful! :)
Lisha wrote: Joyful, May you always be happy like this! Listening about how good your day was, makes me smile. God Bless you!! Love, Lisha
AURELIA wrote: How blessed are we to be such an inspiration to one another :0) Keep smiling and sharing yourself with one another... your smiles will create more SMILES :0) ~Aurelia
makesomeonesmile wrote: Good for you! We are in control of our perspective and I love yours! It all makes a difference!
merce1644 wrote: i love rainy days.. it makes me think in how incredible mother nature is and what a beautiful world we have and we have to take care of it... and it makes me realize "the son will come out tomorrow..." Everything happens for a reason. have a great day!!!!
JuneBug wrote: I LOVE the rain!!! It is rainy here in Indy right now! The robins are peaceful!!!Thank you for your post!!! :)
YorkieMomX4 wrote: I have always found that rainy days make you slow down a little. The world is such a busy place with things all aflutter on bright sunny days - the rain helps you stop and smell the roses!
lovebug wrote: I do admit, I love the energy right before a storm, it makes me feel alive. Of course I am never happy with the storm
hotcocoa wrote: I love the rain too :)
I love the feeling of it and playing under it :d
It just makes you smile.

Thanks for sharing your story :)
And it's really nice by the way, i would describe it differently but i guess there is no word fro it xd

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