Readers Comments
mnc_91 wrote: Thank you for showing me the importance of being always available to people who need us :-) you not only bless the young lady, but also us :-)
Mish wrote: Beautiful open-hearted acting and sharing there. Well done by you! Bless. _/\_
alisamom wrote: Singing is wonderful therapy for ANYTHING.
gloriousday wrote: What a kind neighbor you are! She is blessed. It will make such a difference to know that someone nearby cares and has her best interest at heart. And the dog will benefit too!
suse15 wrote: How kindly you treated the scoop poop conflict! Very sublet and not damaging. Sounds like you are really good for her!
leoladyc728 wrote: so kind of you to take her under your wing.
Marleen wrote: Does she know about the allegory Our mind is like a garden, our thoughts are the seeds. We can grow flowers or we can grow weeds..?
laughingsoul wrote: Beautiful soul! Thank you for sharing, it warms my heart and grows my soul when I imagine your friend's happiness. Singing is a great idea yes better than breathing. Used it before with my mother inlaw when she would be on the verge of falling into a coma- like, state of mind. It was the only think that sometimes could work to bring her back to normal.
Kaige wrote: Bless you for taking the time to calm this young woman's mind and to give her a chance to share a bit of herself with you.
Will wrote: That is a true show of mercy. Thank you for sharing and reminding me that sometimes just being present is the greatest gift of all.