Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Dog Walking Therapy

--by scushman, posted Jun 18, 2016
I am so grateful for the therapeutic walk with the young neighbor lady who was having a PTSD episode and texted me. I suggested we grab our dogs and head for the park, even though it was very hot. She said, ok, but said she hasn't been able to eat the last few days.

 I suggested peanut butter for some protein and easy on the tummy. She was able to eat it and felt better. Then we headed out in the 90 degree sun. We met a neighbor I keep reintroducing her to, and he is starting be kinder and more accepting to her. 

Then off to the park with a breeze blowing. We talked and walked. Before you know it she was feeling much better. I gave her a light up solar leash (we sometimes walk at night) with doggy bags tied to handle (she forgets these bags and neighbors get mad when she doesn't scoop the poop) and a harness for her dog so it's neck is protected. It fit perfect. Yea!

She was so grateful and so was the dog. We talked about how to calm her mind and found out she has a beautiful voice and is very religious so I suggested singing and maybe even singing "Amazing Grace". She loved this idea and loves that song.

We hugged goodbye until the next text or walk. She really is a nice young lady in a hard situation but determined to make a better life for herself. I am so grateful I am able to help her in this small way. The KindSping community really has helped me to continue opening up my heart and feel peace and support and love.
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Readers Comments

mnc_91 wrote: Thank you for showing me the importance of being always available to people who need us :-) you not only bless the young lady, but also us :-)
Mish wrote: Beautiful open-hearted acting and sharing there. Well done by you! Bless. _/\_
alisamom wrote: Singing is wonderful therapy for ANYTHING.
gloriousday wrote: What a kind neighbor you are! She is blessed. It will make such a difference to know that someone nearby cares and has her best interest at heart. And the dog will benefit too!
suse15 wrote: How kindly you treated the scoop poop conflict! Very sublet and not damaging. Sounds like you are really good for her!
leoladyc728 wrote: so kind of you to take her under your wing.
Marleen wrote: Does she know about the allegory Our mind is like a garden, our thoughts are the seeds. We can grow flowers or we can grow weeds..?
laughingsoul wrote: Beautiful soul! Thank you for sharing, it warms my heart and grows my soul when I imagine your friend's happiness. Singing is a great idea yes better than breathing. Used it before with my mother inlaw when she would be on the verge of falling into a coma- like, state of mind. It was the only think that sometimes could work to bring her back to normal.
Kaige wrote: Bless you for taking the time to calm this young woman's mind and to give her a chance to share a bit of herself with you.
Will wrote: That is a true show of mercy. Thank you for sharing and reminding me that sometimes just being present is the greatest gift of all.

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