Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Wrapping And Sending Imaginary Gifts

--by mnc_91, posted Jun 21, 2016
I used to complain about the shortcomings of other people, particularly when it comes to work. This morning I thought and decided to have a kind way to deal with this. Whatever shortcoming I perceive from someone, in my mind I send him or her a gift to fill it.

For example, when I perceived that someone lacks initiative, I imagined myself wrapping and sending a gift of initiative to that person. When I noticed that someone was sad, I imagined sending her a gift of happiness. This way I was able to avoid being judgmental. And most importantly, I noticed myself becoming more compassionate.
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Readers Comments

scushman wrote: very creative! :) Namaste _/|\_ ૐ☮
alisamom wrote: Oh what a lovely idea! That's awesome of you :)))
splain wrote: I so love what you do. Perfect way of being more compassionate.
lt33 wrote: Does it work? Lol its harder to do with some people for me but I just think that maybe he or she is going thru something and that's why their acting this way and most of the time I find out they were so it helps me see that even though u don't know at the time or sometimes never find out
peacebird7 wrote: You are feeding their goodness instead of their shortcomings! Wonderful! I'm sure they feel it energetically as I've done similar things and watched people transform!
Mish wrote: I really like your solution!! Positive, proactive & oh so kind too. Bless ❤️
balou wrote: Great idea! I will try this as well :-)
mindyjourney wrote: LOVE this idea, my friend! Be sure to use colorful wrapping paper and festive bows too :)))
Gyrocloudy wrote: =) Nice way to start and change perspectives.
1sher wrote: How incredibly present of you - I shall have to try that- just coming out of a long time of judgements myself~ thanks

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